Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving. . .1922 Starkey House Serving Hot Apple Pie!

As I returned from a lovely Thanksgiving time with my daughter and her family I spotted a box of freshly harvested apples that I had left on my kitchen table. I bought them from local orchards here in the Finger Lakes region along Seneca Lake with the intent of preparing them deliciously in as many ways possible!

Here you see an assortment of Crispins, Rome Beauty,
and  Jonagold,
fresh apples picked at NY Orchards.

I have plans for a yummy apple cranberry pie using a recipe I found on the Internet that is easy. I usually do not peel my apples though as they do in the recipe. It is just a personal choice.

I am grateful for the supply of local fruits and vegetables here in the country. In reality, it is one of the reasons to be passionate about living in the lakes region. It is one of the main contributors to "living the healthy life."

I was born and raised on a farm about nine miles from 1922 Starkey House near the little hamlet of Altay back in the 1950's.  As children, my brother Bill and I certainly knew what it was like tending to the very large family vegetable garden during summers off from school.

Growing and preserving food was part of our lives.  We did not always appreciate the experience at the time but considered it work sometimes. We did the planting with our father Frank.

Bill and I did some tilling and weeding. Then, we picked, cleaned and sometimes chopped a variety of vegetables like corn on the cob, green beans, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. Mom would then either freeze them or can them to last us through the next winter. I look back at those days and now realize that gardening is truly in my nature and I am grateful for all that we learned.

I have begun the process of saving or preserving food again, by freezing fruits and a few veggies from the summer such as blueberries and raspberries, beets, corn and broccoli, that I picked up at the Finger Lakes Produce Auction.

The regional strawberry crops were lost to excessive rain this past season. Hopefully next year will make up for it. There is nothing like fresh strawberry European style crepes! Crepes are my signature dish at 1922 Starkey House but I love to use a variety of fruits with them like peaches, blueberries, and raspberries. Strawberry freezer jam is a must at every breakfast table.

I have plans to plant and keep my own garden this next spring also but life here at Starkey House is busy as an Innkeeper taking care of most everything!
My wonderful Mennonite friends will keep me in good supply at their farm stands to provide what I cannot get otherwise.

I do hope you will have a chance to stay and taste one of these wonderful breakfast offerings soon! Happy Holidays!

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